Alright folks, the time of truth has come. I have recieved letters from two of the four schools I have applied to for the fall and ......I AM ACCEPTED!!! That's right, there aren't enough capital letters or exclamation marks on this keyboard to express how happy and suprised I was to hear that I have been accepted to both UIC (University of Illinois- Chicago) and NYU (New York University). I was very nervous, as many of you know, becuase there was a faulty mark on my graduate school transcript...but that didn't seem to matter so much. Now comes the daunting task of choosing. I have two weeks to decide on these schools. Back to everyones favorite game, If...Then (which most recently has become my favorite game to play whenever I have time on my hands).
IF I accept the spot at UIC.....THEN I will need to haul everything that I have acquired in Miami back up to the midwest (hopefully including one boyfriend to follow later).
IF I accept the spot at NYU...THEN I will need to somehow magically transfer myself and all my belongings to New York City and somehow find a place to live that I can afford to pay with my imaginary money (and once again, idealy the boyfriend would follow).
IF I defer my acceptance to NYU...THEN I can stay in Miami for another year (with above mentioned boyfriend) and make some sweet moola so that I wouldn't have to do something illegal in order to afford an apartment in NYC.
IF I decide not to go to school at all...THEN I could find some job that would keep me reasonably happy for a certain amount of time with some vague sense of job stability.
IF I turn down both UIC and NYU....THEN I could hope that I would get accepted to Barry University and I could stay in Miami (once again with said boyfriend).
IF I turn down both UIC and NYU, and I am NOT accepted to Barry....THEN I will be very upset to say the least and I have no idea what I would do next except continue practicing rolling my "R's" (I really sound stupid trying).
IF Boston University accepts me....THEN I still won't go there and still won't know quite why I applied other than the fact that they bought me dinner one night and I really liked their program.
IF I decide to avoid all of this entirely....THEN I will sell my car and use the money to fly to Europe with a backpack and become one of those hopeless wandering student romantics that you hear about in novels.
Feel free to add on any IF....THENs that you feel would be enjoyable. I'll continue in my little head to filter through all of these until something actually makes sense.