absolutely random

Thursday, July 20, 2006

23 days

23 days..or something like that until I am married! That is unreal for me to type. These past two months in Chicago have been extremely hard. I'm not sure what combination of events led to my untimely breakdown, but I am very glad that Rocky stuck around and that he still wants to marry me after all! I think that all the details are ironed out as best as they can be. We have been running around like mad and I have come to the conclusion that I really just want to stay close to home as much as possible...so we are going to take it easy for the next couple of weeks so that I actually don't pass out after walking down the aisle from pre-wedding exhaustion.

Long story short....we are moving back to Miami. After much deliberation and a few long-winded discussions Rocky and I decided that it would be best to start our life in a not so difficult place. New York was too much to handle all at once and I think that he would have ended up a happy musician, but a miserable husband...so we comprimised. But now Miami opportunities are opening up left and right and I am beyond thrilled at all the opportunities for ministry there that I haven't been able to do since moving away. I can't wait to preach again and I have a peace that God will provice for us. Thanks for all of you that prayed for us over the past couple of months...it's been hard, but whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right coach?