absolutely random

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i didn't get it...

So news came from NYU about a fellowship that I had been a finalist for and I didn't get it. I'm okay with the decision because the competition was fairly fierce and I got to get flown to NYC and put up in a downtown hotel during the interview process. I also got to attend a New York Socialite dinner. So really I got a free weekend in New York to meet fellow intellectuals with the same passion and interests as me, who can complain about that. Now I just have to haul it and check out other sources of funding so that I'm not massively in debt when I finish. I'm really coming to a peaceful place regarding moving to New York and starting my Masters in Social Work at NYU. I'm looking forward to it so much. Even though I am also looking forward to being back in Chicago for a few months before I get married, New York is such a vibrant place full of all kinds of possibilities. I think that Rocky adn I will be happy starting off our life together there.

Friday, April 14, 2006


I have come to the conclusion that I am one of the most impatient people that I know. You know those people who like wandering road trips with scenic stops and take the back way just for the experience of it all...I am NOT that person. I want to get where I am going, and I will make myself stop, but it is not my natural tendency. I get irritated at myself when I have to stop for food, or even to use the facilities while I am on the road. I just want to get there, get settled, move on. The experience of a journey is beyond frustrating to me. So here I sit, waiting for life-altering news...and there's nothing I can do but wait. Oh Lord give me patience beyond myself and help me enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

checking out...

You know that frenzy that you feel when you are checking out of a hotel room and you frantically run around checking under the bed and in the drawers and under the bathroom sink to make sure that you don't leave something behind? That's exactly how I feel about leaving miami. i'm set to move from the city that i have not had the best relationship with and i feel myself gearing up for it with the anxiety and fear that i will leave with something undone. so in order to rationalize my fears here is a list of things that i must do before leaving:
1. visit the everglades. it's only one of the largest refuges of untouched land in the US and is rumored to be drained and covered over by concrete if miami gets any freakin' bigger...so i better go now.
2. go to the beach. as often as possible. no excuses. i don't care if it's raining.
3. visit important historical landmarks/museums. now there aren't too any of those in miami becuase many folks really didn't like living here until post air-conditioning days..but there are a few worth seeing.
4. go to disneyworld? this is a long-shot. but i have never gone and it's some leftover childhood fantasy that may be better just left alone than spending hundreds of dollars to really just wait in line all day.
5. spend more time with friends here. i will miss them and i'm pretty sure that if i have anything to do with it we won't be movin back here any time too soon.
6. learn more spanish. i've been pathetic with this and even though i know way more than before i moved here. my vocabulary sucks...so yeah, better get hauling it.

any more suggestions? let me know. i've got a little more than a month to go.

Monday, April 10, 2006

two weeks...

I have offically started my last two weeks at my job as volunteer coordinator for the food bank. I am thrilled. Even though I know that the food bank is very busy and could use me around for a little while longer (if not forever) I am very excited becuase of what is next for my life right now. By this friday I will know if NYU is a full ride! Imagine that, going to NYU for my MSW and having it paid for...that is a dream come true.
So I'm gearing up for these next few months regardless and am looking forward to going "home" to Chicagoland for a couple of months before starting marriage, grad school, and New York living all at once!!