absolutely random

Saturday, May 28, 2005

american idol...exposed

Alright...so the comments from my last post warrant me spilling the little bit of knowledge I have obtained about American Idol. Okay, so it's not a big spill. Here are some obvious ones to start off:
There is no affair between Paula and any contestants.
Simon really is that rude in person.
Randy uses the word "dawg" an obscene number of times in regular conversation.
There is no such term as "pitchy" in any musical dictionary.

Here is what I learned that turned me off from the show.
From what I have come to understand the judges are given prompts on who to praise and who to slam from week to week despite performances. Also, they pretty much sold Carrie Underwood to be the best thing for country music since Garth Brooks, but she doesn't even like country....she's a total poser! (If someone singing country could be called a poser.) She just allowed American Idol to mold her into whatever they wanted her to be in order to win the show and continue to get positive feedback from the judges. I couldn't watch her after that. She has no originality and no style of her own...she is merely a pretty packaged product of premeditated production (that enough p's for you?). And now she has a record deal! I acknowledge that she can sing, but I predict that her star will burn out quite quickly (maybe even as fast as Justin Guarini from season 1!).
So sadly I will refrain from watching American Idol in the future unless I'm really bored, or being paid to watch it, or being held hostage and made to watch it, or if aliens implacted a satellite in my brain while I'm sleeping that recieves only American Idol commercials. We'll see which happens first.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

congratulations miss america

We (meaning the general TV viewing American public) have now crowned a new American Idol in none other than Miss Carrie Underwood, whom I have referred to since the beginning of the show as "Miss America." I am soooo glad that this whole thing is all over and done with. I used to be a big fan of American Idol before I knew the behind the scenes info that I learned from my friend who was one of the finalists. (I shall refrain from using her name just in case someone is tracking my site and looking for ways to reach the one whom shall remain nameless.) Anyway, I can say with certainty that I am no longer a huge fan of the show and have officially downgraded myself to an "if there is nothing better to do" fan. What can I say....I've grown past it. It's like the tooth fairy or the easter bunny. Once you know the facts the magic is gone forever. Now that TV land and reality have merged for me it's just not the same. So congrats to Miss America, may her reign bring about world peace.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


My favorite perfume is this Bath & Body Works scent called Peace. I am running out of it (amazingly enough it's lasted me about three years). The problem is that the scent was discontinued about two years ago (probably a large part of the reason why I tried to make it last as long as possible). So I decided, on a whim to go on ebay and see if there were any sites with my perfume on it. Believe it or not there was a whole page of nothing else but that discontinued perfume. Now I had never bid on anything on ebay before and was unaware of how things work, but being a quick learner I started hopping from site to site until I found what I thought was the best deal. The problem is that I am super competitive and I know that I can't buy this stuff in stores...ever. So...I bid a little more than I probably should have and am hoping that someone outbids me so that I don't end up spending a lot of money (remember I make $100/month).
This part really cracked me up. There was one person who was selling a half-used bottle for $50. And there was another person who was re-bottling (however you spell that) the perfume into smaller bottles and selling each for more than the original was worth in the store! Brilliant people I tell you....brilliant. You know the kicker of this whole thing is that those two people will probably make money. Oh the endless possibilities of the internet to sell crap to idiots with credit cards. I am such an idiot!
I think that the lesson in all of this is who cares if I run out of perfume...it's such a pointless thing anyway. I could have sponsored a child in some third-world country for a month or done something noble and worthwhile with that money. But no...I freak out thinking that somehow I NEED that perfume. What I NEED is something else to occupy my time so that I don't waste time or money on ebay.

Monday, May 16, 2005


So folks, we in South Florida just got an in depth report from the National Weather Service stating that this year's hurricane forecast looks great (if you love hurricanes...which I know you all do). Anyway, the weather folk said that this year will yeild 10-12 tropical storms and probably 5-7 hurricanes. Yeehaw!
For those of you who don't know my new and continuing interaction with hurricanes started back when I moved to Miami (see last September in my older blogs). I was greeted into this tropical paradise by the mighty winds of hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. It was a lovely way to begin anew- stocking up on canned goods, filling every available container with water, closing shutters, moving furniture, filling my car with gas at every station that wasn't already out of gas and didn't have a line around the block! Let me tell ya, I was LOVING Miami! Now we're heading into season #2. Will there be as much excitement as last season? Will it be worse? Will Rachel and Ross ever get together? We'll find out....after the break.

Friday, May 13, 2005

welcome back blogger

Welcome back my blogging friends. I know that I have about two weeks of absences to excuse, but I have good reasons for not blogging. One or many of these may or may not be true. Good luck guessing which one is which:
a. I was too busy sleeping.
b. I tried to blog, but it got erased.
c. My dog ate it.
d. I didn't have anything to blog about.
e. I was too busy eating.
f. I got a new blog.
g. I don't like blogging anymore.
h. I've developed a phobia of blogging.
i. I've sprained my blog.
j. My computer caught on fire.
k. I lit my computer on fire.
l. I have a phobia of computers.
m. *%$%$@#!%$&^&&!!!

Clearly I've completely lost my mind.